What is your favorite song introduction?

“Back Then” by Mike Jones. “When it starts out, it has a classical beat with hip-hop and rap.”

– Ryan McCarty, freshman in pre-business

“The Star-Spangled Banner.” “It brings unity to a group and gets everyone’s attention.”

– Amber Twentyman, junior in public service and administration in agriculture

“Eulogy” by Tool. “It just starts out with an interesting rhythm to it.”

– Patrick Carstensen, junior in pre-business

“Say It Ain’t So” by Weezer. “It’s just a really good tune. You don’t hear it much.” – Charles Vigdal, senior in animal ecology

“Down Under” by Men at Work. “Someone I used to work with told me it’s the greatest beginning to a song.”

– Anna Hudak, senior in psychology

“Final Countdown” by Europe. “It’s, like, the best-sounding thing ever.”

– Joe Williams, senior in psychology

“Love Grows (Where my Rosemary Goes)” by Edison Lighthouse. “Every time we hear the intro to that song, my dad says it reminds him of his eighth-grade field trip to Canada.”

– Dina Mumm, sophomore in pre-business

“Cry Me a River” by Justin Timberlake. “It’s such a contrast — hip hop and pop and it starts with the monk singing.”

– Eric Bill, junior in psychology

“Drop it Like it’s Hot” by Snoop Dogg. “That was catchy.”

– Alesha Tomlinson, sophomore in industrial engineering

“Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun” by Pink Floyd. “It’s neat. It’s got lots of weird noises.”

– Hannah Johnson, senior in English