More than preseason jitters; football player arrested

Adam Graaf

A week before the Cyclone football team is scheduled to play Illinois State, one current ISU football player and one former were arrested in Campustown early Sunday morning.

Freshman defensive back Brandon Hunley and former running back Tyease Thompson, also a freshman, were taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct, a simple misdemeanor.

According to police records, Ames police officers Adam McPherson and Jamie Miller were dispatched at 1:46 a.m. to the 100 block of Welch Avenue.

Matthew Goodman, owner of Smiles & Gyros and Ames City Councilman, was working at his gyro stand and observed the incident.

“I saw it, but I don’t know what happened,” he said. “There was a sizable crowd, traffic was stopped for a bit and police showed up and put someone in handcuffs. It was closing time and we were busy, so I didn’t have a chance to investigate.”

Hunley and Thompson were transported to the Story County Justice Center at 4:22 a.m., according to police records.

Officials at the Story County Sheriff’s Office said both posted $325 bond; Hunley was released at 5:57 a.m. and Thompson was released at 10:28 p.m.

On Monday, ISU football coach Dan McCarney released a short statement in regard to the incident.

“I have met with Brandon Hunley after gathering the facts,” he wrote. “Brandon is one of the finest people in our program. I will address this within the program.”

Hunley’s arrest marks the fifth arrest of a football player in the past year. Thompson and Jerry Gair, former defensive back, were arrested last January and charged with burglary after residents of Larch Hall returned to find the players in their dorm room. According to past Daily staff reports, McCarney said both were dismissed from the team last March for undisclosed team violations and not criminal violations.

Defensive end Cephus Johnson was also arrested last January after striking another student outside a Campustown bar. He was later allowed back on the team.

Defensive end Jason Berryman, who served 258 days in the Story County Jail for theft and assault convictions, was reinstated to the team this August.