REVIEW: “Sin City” DVD

Joshua Haun

Synopsis: Based on Frank Miller’s series of graphic novels, “Sin City” is an exercise in stylish violence. As enjoyable as it is to revisit this groundbreaking film on the small screen, the biggest sin committed here is the lack of special features included in this DVD edition.

Featurettes: An approximately 10-minute “behind the scenes” featurette is the only extra feature included in this edition of “Sin City.” The featurette could have included interesting insight into the process of recreating Miller’s striking black and white artwork into a unique action movie, but watching it is ultimately a frustrating experience. Only snippets of the film’s genesis are doled out by director Robert Rodriguez and co-directors Miller and Quentin Tarantino.

Commentary: Nonexistent. Comic book as well as movie fans will undoubtedly lie awake at night wondering what Miller, Rodriguez and Tarantino would be saying in a room together watching the film.

Deleted Scenes: Apparently whatever Rodriguez decided to leave on the cutting room floor must have been pretty terrible since apparently it’s still there.

The Bottom Line: It’s obvious the studio was in a hurry to get this DVD out in order to capitalize on the film’s popularity and grab some quick cash. Purchase this bare bones version only if you’re absolutely dying to see “Sin City” again, otherwise wait for the multidisc “special edition” that’s undoubtedly in the works.