5k for Life Fun Run is ready to go

Ina Kadic

Plans have been finalized for the 5K for Life event, which is now scheduled to take place Aug. 20 at Brookside Park, 1325 Sixth St.

Participants are encouraged to raise money for the American Cancer Society by forming fundraising groups and collecting money prior to the event.

Those wanting to participate can do so by pre-registering and paying $10. This registration fee also promises a T-shirt. On the day of the event, people can register for $25. Raising money in teams prior to walking or running is not required in order to participate.

Flags will also be sold at the event, on which participants can write down a name of someone who is a cancer survivor or someone who has lost the battle against cancer. During the event, the flags will be stuck in the ground following the path of participants.

“The flags are to take the place of luminaries,” Schultz said. “During the day the luminaries will not have much of an effect. That’s why we’re using the flags.”

The top three finishers of the event will receive an award provided by Hy-Vee.

“People who want to participate can sign up and register in our booth during Midnight Madness,” Schultz said.

The 34th Annual Midnight Madness event is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Saturday and will begin on 5th Street near City Hall.