Professor and grad student rocking to the beat of teaching their own textbook

Rachel Brown

Whether one plays it in a band, listens to it on an iPod, or watches it on TV

David Stuart, professor of music, and Ryan Sheeler, graduate student in interdisciplinary studies, teach Music 104, “The History of Rock ‘n Roll,” every spring, but next spring the class will be taught with a twist.

Stuart and Sheeler are publishing a book with Kendall-Hunt Publishing on the history of rock ‘n’ roll to be used in their class.

Sheeler says they came up with the idea years ago after writing another book for Music 102, “Introduction to Music Listening I,” and thought they should write one for “The History of Rock ‘n Roll” as well.

“There isn1t a another book like this out there because it isn1t arranged like any other book,” Stuart says.

“From Bakersfield to Beale Street —A Regional History of American Rock n Roll,” will be arranged by regional taste, not chronologically like most books.

“Often rock ‘n’ roll classes are as much about culture as music,” Stuart says, on why he and Sheeler chose this different approach.

Along with the book, Stuart and Sheeler are trying to organize a listening guide which will have around 12 songs per chapter that the student will be able to listen to for a minimal fee.

Although Stuart says The Beatles is one of his favorite bands, Sheeler says it will not appear in the book.

“There will be no British invasion bands— we’ll save that for another book,” Sheeler says.

Instead, the book will concentrate on American music from the early 20th century to the 1990s— which music originated where and the impact that it had.

Sheeler says they want to concentrate on things like rock music coming up from the South, the Latin music in Memphis or the “surf” music in California.

“We want to try and focus on regional aspects and try to dig back into a particular era and ask why did a certain style come from here?” Stuart says.

Both Stuart and Sheeler explain how the Internet has become a way to become aware of different types of music.

“It’s music that you would never hear on the radio. And there are excellent groups that aren’t even pushing to get on the radio,” Stuart says.