Dress up your office with art

Maria Schwamman

Faculty will be able to dress up their offices and students can revamp their apartments with art from the Memorial Union art lending collection.

This year, the 175-piece collection contains 15 new pieces that are available to rent for a semester or years at a time.

Letitia Kenemer, gallery coordinator for the Memorial Union, says the Memorial Union has been lending art for about 20 years, but has not added new pieces in several years.

What: Art Lending Open House

Where: Browsing Library, ground floor at Memorial Union

When: noon-4 p.m. Aug. 4 and 9 a.m.-noon Aug. 5

Cost: Varies

The new pieces include framed posters of famous paintings, as well as nostalgic ISU pieces, such as an old Veishea poster, Kenemer says.

“It’s another way to get art out into the community,” she says.

Although anyone can rent a piece of artwork at anytime, Kenemer says the open house is an opportunity for people to see the pieces on display. Renters can take the art home with them that day.

Kenemer says there are several advantages to borrowing art, rather than buying.

“You get to change the look of your office,” Kenemer says.

“You can try something that maybe you don’t want to buy, rather than being stuck with it for 20 years.”

Prices range from as little as $8 for smaller pieces to as much as $35 for original pieces of artwork. Some of the original artwork is by local artists, such as Mary Lou Wright, a local watercolor painter.

ISU student artwork is also available.

“We have juried shows,” Kenemer says.

“Every once in a while, we have someone who doesn’t pick up their artwork.”

Kenemer says she has not really had any problems with artwork being returned damaged in the past.

“I think people respect the process,” she says.