Consafos only one part of the member’s lives

Kevin W. Stillman

“Sometimes each song could be on a different album, but we like to have an eclectic mix of songs.”

Consafos vocalist Stefanie Drootin

Being in a successful touring band is sometimes the ultimate dream for many starving musicians.

For the members of Consafos, however, just making music with one band is not enough.

“We’re all friends who enjoyed what each other did musically, so we started a band together,” says Consafos lead vocalist Stefanie Drootin.

Consafos is a side project for two of its four members.

Who: Consafos with Hockey Night and VCR

Where: Vaudewille Mews, 212 Fourth St., Des Moines

When: 9 p.m. Wednesday

Cost: $5

Drootin is also a member of The Good Life and Bright Eyes.

The group grew out of the Los Angeles music scene where the future band members played with Topeka, Ritual of Defiance and Glasscraftbefore combining their efforts.

Drootin describes Consafos music as “dark, folky rock.”

She is quick to emphasize one genre or description does not tell the whole story of Consafos’ style.

“We all have different tastes in music,” she says.

“Sometimes each song could be on a different album, but we like that because we like to have an eclectic mix of songs.”

The name Consafos, discovered by the band’s drummer, is Spanish slang for, “Such is the way of things,” also the title for the band’s second album.

“We thought it was appropriate for our music,” Drootin says.

Success has meant an entire year on the road for Drootin, an experience she says can detach relationships with friends and family back home.

However, Drootin says, meeting a new appreciative crowd each night and making a living playing music helps make light of an extended road trip.

The busy touring schedule has not kept the band out of the studio, though, Consafos is currently working on its first full-length album.

“It’s rewarding to do what you love; music is a good release,” she says. “It’s like therapy.”