Benefit concert to raise money for sick 9-year-old

Rachel Brown

Erich Tran and Joe Shields have been in numerous bands together over the years. Finding a place to play their heavy rock and heavy metal has proved to be a difficult task.

But Gary Mullen, a family friend of Shields and a Minburn, Iowa resident, was more than happy to give them a nice, air-conditioned space to play their music and practice their art.

Now, Tran and Shields, members of the band Only, are organizing an event to return the favor the Mullens gave them years ago.

Who: Concert for Connor

Where: House of Bricks, 525 East Grand, Des Moines

When: Friday, 6 p.m., 10 p.m.

Cost: $5

Nine-year-old Connor, Mullen¡s son, was just eight years old when he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in April, and has since had to undergo many painful tests and trips to the hospital in hopes of getting better. Seeing the condition Connor was in, Tran, guitarist for the band, wanted to reach out and return a favor to the Mullens by putting on a benefit concert to raise money for Connor.

We want to just help out the family with the costs that come with this,Πsays Tran, an ISU alumnus.

Anything we can do to help will be great,Œ Shields says. People just need to get out and help if there are people in need. You can make a difference in people¡s lives.Œ

Only, which also includes Mark Reinking, Sol Bales and Sal Ramirez, and several other bands, including Anubyss, Deimos, Parallex, MK Ultra, Odium, Calous and Soul Sick, will perform at the concert sponsored by Mushroom Cloud Records.

Connor enjoys activities such as Cub Scouts and his Yu-Gi-Oh! cards.

Mullen says he was grateful and shocked when Only first told them its idea for the benefit concert for his son.

I was in disbelief and honored for what they wanted to do,ΠMullen says.

Connor has been through a lot since his diagnosis in April. He has had several spinal taps and has had to have bone marrow tests every month.

His hair has been falling out, and he¡s been through a lot of tests,Œ Mullen says.

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has agreed to match dollar for dollar, up to $5,000 dollars, for the Mullens.

I really want to help raise awareness for leukemia and give a little back to the Mullens,ΠTran says.

Jeff Sinnwell, bassist for Anubyss, jumped at the opportunity to help someone in need.

Anytime that we can do something for someone with an illness, we do,Πsays Sinnwell, who once raised $3,000 by arranging a benefit show for his brother who was in a car accident.

Sara Sampson, lead singer of Anubyss, says as soon as she heard about the concept for the benefit show, she wanted to be involved with it.

I jumped all over it. I love helping people. We¡re all about that,Œ Sampson says.

Josh Jacobsen, drummer for Anubyss, says he wanted to help because it was a good cause to be a part of.

It¡s a chance to entertain people and take their mind off of their troubles. We really want to be a motivation for people,Œ Jacobsen says.

I just want Connor to feel special with this show and just see all the people that turn out to pat him on the back,ΠMullen says.