Studying abroad experiences have life-long impact

Rachel Weber

As a British citizen and new director of the Study Abroad Center, Trevor Nelson has experienced the benefits of traveling and wants to encourage ISU students to do the same.

Nelson has been traveling abroad since he was 13.

“Without a question, my experience studying abroad has had a profound impact on my life,” Nelson said.

After visiting France on a school trip, Nelson won a scholarship that enabled him to study in the United States for a year.

“These experiences have fostered a life-long interest in geography, travel and world events,” Nelson said.

He said he believes that it is educationally important for students to study abroad.

“One only needs to watch the news to appreciate the need for a global perspective,” Nelson said. “So much of what happens beyond the shores and borders of the United States has a profound impact on our lives, and studying abroad provides an unmatched opportunity to observe and better understand the cultural and historical background of these events.”

Nelson said studying abroad is a challenging experience that provides opportunities for individuals to grow.

“I am constantly amazed by the level of confidence and maturity that returned study abroad students possess as a result of their travels,” Nelson said. “It serves to reinforce the importance of these types of experiences and why Iowa State needs to offer them.”

Nelson’s position was created July 1 when International Education Services split into two units, the Study Abroad Center and International Students and Scholars.

The former assistant director of International Education services in charge of the study abroad program, Nelson is planning on taking on new duties. He will administer the Study Abroad Center’s programs, develop new programs and look after the health and safety of students and faculty members while they are studying abroad.