School board appeal to be heard in Des Moines

Ina Kadic

An appeal made by a group of Ames parents against the school board is scheduled to be heard in a Des Moines courtroom Thursday.

The appeal came from a group of parents after the board finalized a decision to close two Ames elementary schools — they said the school board did not follow proper guidelines when going through the school-closing process.

The board voted six to one to close Northwood and Roosevelt Elementary Schools in May, after proposing the closures 17 days before.

Brian Agnitsch, of Ames, is one of the parents who filed the appeal.

“Keeping Roosevelt open is not what this appeal is about,” Agnitsch said.”

“In my opinion, the appeal will not open a school no matter which way it comes back.”

“My concern when I was looking at the guidelines and how the Ames Board did it”

Roy Cakerice was the only Ames School Board member to vote against Superintendent Ray Richardson’s recommendations to close both schools.

During a Board meeting, he urged other members to “slow down” and consider all options.

According to previous Daily staff reports, Cakerice also believed the legal process was not followed.

He is scheduled to testify for the opponents of the board, to say the Barker Guidelines were not followed.

Superintendent Richardson said he believes the guidelines were met.

“This is part of the process that will ultimately allow for open dissent,” he said.

Mary Ann Dilla, a school board member who voted to close the schools, is also testifying against the board.

“When she voted for it, I don’t think she was truly for closing the schools, but she said she did because of parliamentary procedures so that she can bring it back to the table at a future time,” Agnitsch said.

The hearing is scheduled for 9 a.m. Thursday in the Lucas Building in Des Moines.