Experience singles out dean

Ina Kadic

The inaugural dean of the College of Human Sciences, named earlier this week, was set apart from other candidates by her experience as a founding dean of a college at Penn State University.

Cheryl Achterberg, who served as founding dean of the Schreyer Honors College at Penn State since 1998, was named dean of the new college on Tuesday.

“We always want to copy things that take place in schools that you regard as equals or better. Penn State is another top public institution in the country,” said Michael Whiteford, dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and chairman of the dean search committee. “She’s in a great position that we would like to emulate.”

Achterberg was chosen from a pool of four candidates applying for the dean position.

“I am excited to work with the fine people that are in Ames, getting to know them better and working together,” she said.

“We clearly had a position that got people excited about coming here,” Whiteford said.

The candidates had a chance to speak to the ISU community in open forums earlier this year.

“We asked individuals to provide us with feedback on each occasion to get a different perspective, and of course we had members from the search committee involved since they know more about the candidates than any single person coming to the forums,” Whiteford said. “All candidates were very good. I’m not sure there is one single thing that separates Cheryl Achterberg from the other three candidates.”

The College of Human Sciences is slated to be founded on July 1, bringing together the departments and programs formerly housed in the Colleges of Education and Family and Consumer Sciences, according to the ISU Web site.

Achterberg said she plans to be in Ames on Sept. 1, when her position becomes effective.

“With intensive work in the first two to three months, we can generate a vision and a plan that will carry forward,” she said. “A lot of groundwork still needs to be done. When I go there, I will be spending the first months getting acquainted with the faculty, department and facilities.”