Outdoor Rec Program planning trips to backpack and climb during July

Chris Mackey

During the first week of July, there are two opportunities for the public to get outside and enjoy the outdoors with the ISU Outdoor Recreation Program.

The first is a backpacking trip to Minnesota to hike part of the Superior Trail, a 200-mile long path cutting through the forested ridge above Lake Superior.

The trail crosses wilderness creeks, passes tumbling waterfalls and features scenic overlooks of Lake Superior and Superior National Forest, according to the Explore Minneastota Web site.

“We’re gonna take folks out and have a good time rock climbing.”

Chad Ward, programming assistant for Recreation Services

Gina Weydert with the Outdoor Recreation Department said out of the 10 available spots on the trip, all but one have filled up.

Mark Kresser, sophomore in civil engineering, said this is his first trip with Outdoor Rec, and he’s looking forward to going.

“I just really wanted to do something fun,” Kresser said. “Mostly I hope to have a good time and get to see some good scenery. I want to see how tired I can get and how far I can push myself after that.”

Backpacking the Superior Trail

Cost: Students: $56

Faculty/Staff: $112

Non-ISU: $123

Rock Climbing

Cost: Students: $81

Faculty/Staff: $161

Non-ISU: $177

Bryan Gillam, senior in community and regional planning, and Amy Peet, senior in biology, are the two trip leaders.

“This is a regular backpacking trip,” Gillam said. “We’ll be carrying all of our food and gear with us.”

The other trip planned is rock climbing in Vedauwoo, Wyo. the same weekend.

Chad Ward, programming assistant for Recreation Services, is one of the three trip leaders and said the trip is open to anyone with any level of experience.

“We’re gonna take folks out and have a good time rock climbing,” he said. “It’s legendary for its off-width climbing.

“We’ll set up routes, and depending on skill level, it can take anywhere from five to 30 minutes to get to the top.”

There are 10 slots available, and as of Wednesday, only three had been filled. Ward said at least six will need to sign up for the trip to happen.

“Most often on this kind of trip, people sign up at the last minute,” he said.

Outdoor Rec will continue to accept registrations for both trips until June 27. Pre-trip meetings are Wednesday, June 29 at 6 p.m.

Both trips will depart at 5 p.m. Friday, July 1 and will return sometime on the evening of Monday, July 4.