Iowa State to search nationwide for Dean of Students

Eric Lund

A national search has been announced to fill the position of Dean of Students, which was vacated by Pete Englin when he took a position as director for the Department of Residence.

Sharon McGuire, program manager for the Dean of Students Office, is scheduled to begin her position as interim Dean of Students July 1.

Although candidates are not planned to be selected until early to mid fall semester, McGuire said she is interested in the dean position.

Tom Hill, vice president for student affairs, appointed McGuire to the position. Todd Holcomb, associate vice president for student affairs, is chairing a national search committee.

“There will be public forums; there will be lots of opportunities for individuals to interact with the candidates,” Holcomb said. “The Dean of Students position is a critical position to the division of student affairs.”

He said the position requires a person who has “solid experience in handling a variety of areas.” Holcomb said a focus on multiculturalism is an important attribute for the dean of students.

The Dean of Students Office supervises Multicultural Student Affairs, the Margaret Sloss Women’s Center and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Student Services.

“It has a variety of areas that report to it that are important to the university’s diversity efforts,” Holcomb said.

Hill said candidates need experience in areas of higher education that are related to student development, such as judicial and greek affairs.

He said interviews and public forums could begin in September or October, with a dean selected by January 2006.

McGuire said the search should focus on finding someone who has demonstrated support of students through direct involvement or supporting student-centered policies and procedures.

She said she is attracted to the position because it is closely related to her previous roles.

“It is, for me, a natural progression of the things I have done previously,” McGuire said.

She said she is now focused on running the Academic Success Center, which provides a centralized location for academic assistance. In the past, McGuire said she has advised student government and student activities and managed operations for the student union at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Wash. She said she has also taught courses on subjects such as women’s studies, gender and multicultural relations and inequality.

“I feel like I have a lot of skills and experiences to help me navigate the university in support of students,” McGuire said.