Deep draft a concern for Homan

Chris Mackey

With the NBA Draft taking place Tuesday, Jared Homan will be at home with his family, watching and waiting to hear his name called.

While Homan was waiting at a Houston airport Friday for a flight to Phoenix, he said he was not sure of how the draft would play out for him.

“I’m glad to have this opportunity. It really feels like a dream.”

Jared Homan, former ISU basketball player

“It’s hard to say,” he said. “There are so many guys this year. It’ll be tough to break into. There’s a lot of talent.”

Homan said he thought it might have been safer to wait until next year to enter the draft when the age limit of 19 takes affect but decided against it.

After going ahead with his decision to enter his name into the draft pool, Homan got an agent and began working out for NBA teams.

“I got a lot of great feedback from the teams I worked out for,” Homan said.

Homan said he worked out for eight teams, including the Washington Wizards, Utah Jazz, Houston Rockets and Los Angeles Lakers, whom he enjoyed working with the most.

“I’d really like to play for Phil Jackson,” he said.

He said his workout with the teams went well and that out of the eight teams, Utah showed “good interest.”

“I’m not too picky about who I play for,” Homan said.

On Friday, Homan wasn’t sure when he might get drafted, but he had heard a lot of different predictions from NBA teams he worked out for. But, he said, he figured he’d probably be a mid to late pick in the second round.

Marty Blake, director of scouting for the NBA, said although Homan played very well in his pre-draft tournaments, he probably won’t be taken in the first round of the draft.

“He has a chance to get drafted,” Blake said from his New York hotel suite. “It’s a deep draft, so he might not even get drafted.”

Both Homan and Blake said that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, however.

“It might be better to go free agency rather than getting drafted,” Homan said.

“It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t get drafted,” Blake said. “With free agency, he can choose the team to play for.”

The draft was the only thing on Homan’s mind Friday — he said he wasn’t even thinking about his NBA career.

“I’m just taking it one step at a time,” he said. “I’ll worry about that once I make the team.”

“I really like him,” Blake said. “He’s a hard-nose kid; I’d love to have him.”

“I’m glad to have this opportunity,” Homan said. “It really does feel like a dream.”

Mike Harrison, Homan’s agent with Immortal Entertainment, could not be reached for comment.