Art Walk 2005 showcases local art

Maria Schwamman

Letters from the past have inspired Mary Lou Powers, Ames resident, to pass on the age-old art of calligraphy, something she believes has become a lost art.

“My two grandfathers were my inspiration,” Powers says. “I just admired how they wrote.”

Art lovers will have the opportunity to meet Powers and other local artists in person, as well as see some of them at work Friday at Ames Art Walk 2005.

What: Art Walk 2005

Where: Ames Main Street District

When: 5-9 p.m. Friday

Cost: Free

More than 30 businesses and organizations will be hosting the artists in downtown Ames.

Kris Konrady, manager of the Octagon Center for the Arts, 427 Douglas Ave., says all the artists are from Ames and other local communities.

“I think it’s just a great opportunity to really get to meet our local artists and just see how many we have,” Konrady says. “This area is just full of really good artists.”

Powers agrees Art Walk 2005 is a chance for local artists to get their name out.

“I think it’s good exposure for artists who are not known and also those that are known,” she says.

Konrady says art walkers will also have the opportunity to participate at some of the businesses by making their own art.

Powers will be demonstrating calligraphy at the Octagon Center. She says she hopes art walkers will be able to further their knowledge of calligraphy by watching her demonstrate her craft.

“It’s a lost art and the calligraphers are trying to revive it,” she says. “Through my demonstration, I hope to do that.”

Powers’ work includes everything from wall hangings to wedding invitations, and she says she can write out any poem, quote or song.

“Anything that anybody wants written out,” she says.

She says she has been practicing calligraphy since she was a child, and has taken many classes and workshops over the years to hone her skills.

Konrady says the Art Walk has been an annual tradition in Ames for the last 10 years, but has really increased in popularity the last two years. She says she expects about 500 people, possibly more.

Because Art Walk 2005 takes place in various downtown businesses, Konrady says the event is also a good opportunity to not only see local art, but do some shopping.

“It’s a little bit of both,” she says. “There’s no requirement to purchase anything.”