ISU faculty will discuss university’s single visual identity

Ina Kadic

ISU faculty and staff have an opportunity to meet Thursday to discuss creating a single visual identity for Iowa State.

The University Image Summit, which takes place every semester, creates an opportunity for marketing people across campus to get together and network.

“Because the university is a decentralized organization, this kind of meeting allows us to get together to talk about what we can do together,” said Carol Custer, director of university marketing and promotions.

Topics of discussion include creating a unified visual identity for the university and practices that have worked for some departments in the past to create a single image.

Awards that have been won by some departments and from which others can learn from will also be discussed, Custer said.

The summit takes place “so that we have a consistent look to our materials and so that our audiences see the university in one way,” Custer said.

The Office of University Marketing organizes university image summits each semester to help units integrate university messages, according to the ISU Web site.

The summit is open to faculty and staff across campus and is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. to noon Thursday in the Lee Liu Auditorium in Howe Hall.