Editorial: Tips for spring breakers
Photo Courtesy Wikimedia Commons
Spring break
March 14, 2019
Last year, 53 percent of people aged 18 to 34 planned to travel for spring break.
By now, most of us are preparing our bags for our awaited week-long break, whether it’s to return back home with family or leave for a very much needed vacation — we’re all ready for it.
The ISD Editorial Board has some quick tips for you fellow spring breakers:
To start off, if you happen to be traveling to somewhere new, you want to make sure you do plenty of research regarding the place you will be visiting ahead of time. You never know which locations you will want to stay away from. On top of that, you also have the possibility of coming across activities and hot spots that you may want to check out and might’ve not been aware of at first.
Once you get to your destination, you want to make sure that whoever you’re traveling with is aware of when and where you are at all times. For some, this might seem like you’re overdoing it, but in all reality it’s better to be safe than sorry, because you never know what might happen.
When it comes to experiencing a new culture and its foods, it’s important to be aware of any, if not all, of the ingredients that are being put into your food, especially if you happen to be allergic to anything. It is also important to make sure you carry along any medication you might need in case of an emergency as well as any prescriptions you take on a daily basis.
Lastly, for those who happen to be traveling to any beaches: please clean up after yourselves. After you finish your day at the beach, make sure you pick up any trash you might’ve accumulated during your time there. Don’t ball up your plastic bags and toss them — instead, you can use them as trash bags to help you gather any of the stuff you need to throw away.
Now, we know that not all of us are lucky enough to travel this spring break, but that doesn’t mean that your break can’t be fun. Here are some tips for you:
If you won’t be traveling, you don’t have to worry about spending outrageous amounts of money on any stuff you might need for your travels, such as hotels, food, tickets, etc. This all makes spring break a good time to save money. You can create a budget for when you get back to campus so that you have more control on what you’re spending your money on.
For the binge watchers out there, no matter how enjoyable it is to binge watch a new series, if the weather seems nice and the sun is out — a short stroll would do anyone a world of good. After spending long, cold days indoors and sometimes even having to cancel plans due to weather, spring break would be a great time to get some fresh air.
Spring break is also a great time to be spent with friends and family and should be enjoyed to the maximum, especially if you happen to be a student who lives quite a distance away from home.
Whether you happen to be traveling or staying home for spring break, remember to make the most of it and enjoy your time.