Commentary: Hobbies and secrets sought after for summer fun

Summer is the time to try new things, to step out of the box, to experience something one hasn’t experienced before.

At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

During the months of cold weather and homework, I would look forward to summer and promise myself I’d take up hobbies, go on trips, discover hidden secrets of the town where I live.

And now summer is here and my excuses have to stop. Unfortunately, I’ve realized time may still be a problem because of the demands of two jobs. And after balancing my checkbook, I’ve realized I will never have money while I’m a college student, even during the summer when I’m not taking classes. To make matters worse, last week’s rain and cooler temperatures seem to indicate a lack of cooperation from the weather, at least for the time being.

As discouraging as this seems, right now, I’m determined to go out on a limb and defy all these factors that want to get in my way and keep me from having an enjoyable and eventful summer.

This isn’t to say everyone shares my enthusiasm. The skeptics exist. Although I have yet to experience a summer in Ames, I’ve heard the horror stories. The versions vary, but they all have a prevalent theme. Ames is boring during the summer. Everyone is gone. Don’t expect to have fun.

But, my roommate and I have resolved to prove these to be misconceptions. With one of our friends going to New York for an internship this summer and another working at a military base in Italy, we’ve decided we have to keep our summers fun-filled and interesting so our stories don’t pale in comparison to our friends’ when they return in the fall.

I know it sounds tough. I’m well aware we live in Iowa, and no matter what we do, it probably won’t be enough to top all the amazing things our friends will be doing in New York and Italy. But, we’re going to try.

The only problem is we need suggestions. I realized it was time to go back to the drawing board when my roommate suggested we try out the toy carousel outside Kmart.

I’ve decided arts and crafts are a great way to start. I know it sounds nerdy, but I Iove to scrapbook. And I plan on cutting, pasting and coloring more than ever this summer. Plus, there’s a scrapbooking convention in Ankeny in June.

This may be my opportunity to take my hobby to the next level.

I’ve also thought about taking a class at the Workspace. I’ve always wanted to learn about pottery, and now is as good a time as ever.

I’m also planning a couple road trips to go to a music festival and to visit family and friends. The destinations include my hometown of Wichita (to go to the dentist and get my driver’s license renewed), Manhattan (Kansas) and a quaint little town in northeast Iowa.

I’ve heard about a skydiving group in Des Moines. It could be an opportunity to check off one more thing on my list of things I want to do before I die. This could be the highlight of my summer.

But the list stops there. I don’t really have any good excuses for my lack of imagination.

Maybe the many months of putting off trying new things have left me stumped.

Thus, the purpose of this column.

I need things to try. And I know some of you already have odd (but fun) hobbies you’re dying to share. Feel free to let me know. Know of any little-known, but interesting things to do in Ames? Share your secrets. Are you going somewhere interesting this summer? Tell me about it.

But I have to warn you. I might try to convince you to let me come, too.