In punk, band finds ‘Chemical Romance’

Darin Longman

Frank Iero doesn’t think of My Chemical Romance as a band.

“We’re all brothers,” Iero says, “It’s more of a gang. It’s the five of us versus the world, so we have a very strong bond.”

With videos on MTV and Fuse, constant radio air play and legions of undying fans, guitarist Iero, along with vocalist Gerard Way, bass player Mikey Way, guitarist Ray Toro and drummer Bob Bryer, My Chemical Romance has taken mainstream music by storm this year, showing it is winning its battle against the world — not that they have had the time to notice.

“It’s one of those things where we haven’t had the time to sit down and think about it,” Iero says.

“We have been working so hard and been on tour constantly … we very rarely, if at all, have had any time off to dwell on it and think, ‘Oh wow, we have accomplished this,’ or a pat yourself on the back type thing. It just keeps going.”

My Chemical Romance has been spending the year touring with other new-to-the-mainstream bands like Taking Back Sunday and the Used. Iero claims that it has made many friends on the road.

“There are too many bands we just love playing with because we were either friends before or we became friends [on the road],” Iero says.

“It is always fun playing with Taking Back Sunday — those kids are like our brothers, and the Used are always fun to tour with.”

The Used and My Chemical Romance friendship is easily notable with tours such as “Taste of Chaos” (which they co-headlined), and their recent collaboration on the David Bowie/Queen song “Under Pressure,” which was released to aid the victims of the tsunami disaster.

“We’ve known The Used for some time now,” Iero says.

“Our manager used to be their tour manager. He really enjoyed us and he passed our CD along to them. They invited us on tour, and we have been meeting on the road ever since.”

In addition to bands like Story of the Year, Thrice and Letterkills, My Chemical Romance is touring with pop-punk grandfathers Green Day.

It is a monumental accomplishment for the band and a tour Iero is overjoyed to join.

“The tour is unreal,” Iero says. “I have said this before, but it completely true: This is a dream come true. I have wanted to tour with Green Day since I was 15.

“For them to choose us is mindblowing. [Green Day] is one of those bands that trailblazed so much. If it weren’t for Green Day, bands like us or any band wouldn’t be able to reach the heights that we have reached here.

“They opened up so many doors for real bands to come in and reach their goals. It is flattering that they would take us out on tour. It is very validating.”

Though Green Day has been an influence, Iero’s interest in music was cultivated long before he was 15.

It all started with his family, he says.

“My Dad played drums and my grandfather played drums in bands, so I was always around music,” Iero says.

“I remember growing up and listening to them talk about gigs they were in or places they had played.”

Iero was influenced early on by his father’s music but then got into Sonic Youth and Nirvana, which fueled his desire to play.

“I was never much for cock rock virtuoso guitar players,” Iero says. “I like metal but it wasn’t something that I was inspired to play. I wanted to be Thurston Moore. I wanted to be a normal guy who put his emotions through a guitar.

“If you study hard enough, you can play scales at light speed, but nobody can ever mimic what Thurston Moore does. Those bands were the ones that made me want to play.”

Iero’s desire to play rock eventually led him to the East Coast hardcore/punk scene, along with the local bands in Jersey.

“I would go see local shows all the time because I felt that it was my music,” Iero says. “[It was] made by kids like me, the shows were put on by kids and there were kids attending the shows. I felt like I could do that.”

Iero and his band rose from local shows to touring all over the world. But although they have a new level of success, don’t expect to see them on “MTV Cribs” any time soon.

“We haven’t bought anything extravagant,” Iero says.

“At any point in time we waste all of our money on comic books and movies. That is all we really do.”

Who: Green Day with My Chemical Romance

Where: US Cellular Center, Cedar Rapids

When: 7 p.m. May 11

Cost: Sold out