COMMENTARY: Debunking the liberal-media myth

Someone please call 911; the American media has gone crazy and need your help. And hurry, the insanity is contagious. Foolishness and stupidity is spreading fast. Hurry!

The media”s sense of reasoning has been altered by the belief that there is such a thing as a left-wing media. Pundits utter this phrase as if responding to some uncontrollable illness.

The media”s frail voice has also become incoherent. After running from reality for so long, they are out of breath. They are gasping out phrases such as left-wing, far-left and liberal. These words have no relevance in a real issue such as the war in Iraq or social security — but the media are far, far away from reality.

The ubiquitous belief is that there must always be balance in the media, among college professors and anywhere else where people can be influenced. Therefore, if a majority of professors at a university are liberal, people cry foul. If a majority of people in the media are liberal, conservatives scream that there is a problem.

The right opinion on any issue could be liberal, conservative or somewhere in the middle. If a majority of the media supports a liberal solution to a problem, however, — which happens to be the correct solution — then psychotic commentators such as Bill O”Reilly whine that the media are dominated by left-wing forces.

When a majority of sociology professors — who have a better understanding of the consequences of things such as segregation — say they are in support of some sort of affirmative action; conservative pundits scream that schools are being overrun by left-wing professors.

Doesn”t the fact that most professors at universities are liberal mean something? If a majority of people in a city were good, would anyone say that we need to balance them out with more evil people?

The media have indeed swallowed a mind-altering pill. It is traveling fast through their body. From the mouth of people such as Rush Limbaugh to the heart of the Fox News channel — the I-know-it-all pill is traveling.

The I-know-it-all pill causes crazy behavior. As a result, the scene of American journalism is riddled by yelling matches and stupid commentaries by know-it-all pundits — such as Sean Hannity. An ambulance is needed on the scene fast.

The whole idea of ‘the left-wing media’ is a cliche that prevents people from properly debating any real issue.

When news organizations cover the international perspective on any issue — which happens to be liberal — conservatives say they are anti-American. In a multi-dimensional world, the assumption that there are only two sides to every issue is dangerous.

This myopic view of the world only creates more misunderstanding about the rest of the world. The media needs to play their role in reducing such misunderstandings by encouraging coverage on the international perspective on issues such as the war in Iraq — not hindering them.

There can”t be a genuine debate about any issue when good ideas are constantly being shut down by the belief that the media are left-wing.

The media situation is very bad and a surgical procedure might be needed. Cut off the lies, distortions and cliches.

Fill a syringe with the truth, expert commentaries from professors and more international news. Pierce these and other stories into the heart of the media. The American media really needs a dose of reality.