New Veishea leaders are ready for challenge

Jodi Jurgemeyer

With the return of Veishea has come the selection of new leadership to guide it through a year of transition.

Eric Peterson, sophomore in agricultural business, and Jessica Lecy, senior in food science, have been selected as the new Veishea co-chairpersons.

Ashley Glade, Leaders INspiring Connections co-chairwoman, helped in the selection process.

She said it takes someone with excellent leadership abilities to hold the position.

“We definitely look for somebody who has had extensive leadership experience, which includes experience on the Veishea executive board,” Glade said.

The new co-chairpersons will gradually take over their positions during a transition period, Glade said.

She said Peterson and Lecy will begin their positions at the end of this semester and will work throughout the summer with Glade.

“The president has set forth a number of goals that he would like to see Veishea strive for, and they will be working closely with the administration to achieve those goals,” Glade said.

The candidates were asked to prepare a written proposal of their vision for Veishea and answer questions about their proposals from a panel made up of LINC co-chairman Kyle Chesnut, Vice President for Student Affairs Thomas Hill and other advisers, Glade said.

One of the challenges Peterson and Lecy face is leading a different kind of Veishea, Glade said, who noted the celebration’s absence this year will make next year’s event a transition period.

“Instead of following a pattern or specific time line that has occurred year after year, they’ll have to carve a new path,” Glade said. “They’re definitely going to have the challenge of having that year off because there wasn’t Veishea in 2005,” Glade said.

Both Peterson and Lecy, however, said they feel they can handle the challenge.

“I think it will be a challenge, but I know we can overcome that challenge,” Peterson said.

“We can make Veishea 2006 one of the best on record.”

Lecy said she feels it is important to have the co-chairpersons to help plan various elements of the celebration and serve as a communication bridge. Peterson said specific details about their plans cannot be specified because decisions are still being made.

Peterson said he chose to run for a co-chairman position because of his excitement about Veishea.

“I love Veishea and get really excited about it,” Peterson said.

Leading the Veishea executive board, the co-chairpersons also serve as leaders for other committees and subcommittees, which will help with organization of different areas of the Veishea celebration. Committee leaders and other positions will be selected in the fall.

Both Peterson and Lecy encourage students to get involved in Veishea 2006 planning.

Lecy, who has participated in Veishea since her freshman year, said she is very excited for next year and wants students to feel the same.

“We want it to be a great year, and we want all ISU students to get involved and make it the best it can be,” Lecy said.