‘Tourgasm’ on the verge of insanity

Rob Lombardi

Becoming a road warrior is an essential part of any comedian’s career. This may be especially so for Dane Cook, who has been honored as Rolling Stone’s “Hot Comic” and is finding himself performing for capacity crowds across the country.

“Tourgasm” is Cook’s response to his ever-growing fan base, hitting more than 20 venues during the month of April alone.

“We’re driving each other crazy,” Cook says, trekking the tour with his three opening acts who also are his closest comic friends.

Being on the verge of insanity may have its perks. During “Tourgasm,” Cook is being followed by two to three cameras that are constantly chronicling all of the tour’s hysterics.

Cook hopes to release it as a DVD or television documentary by the end of the year.

“[It’s like] an episodic show — kind of like ‘Newlyweds’ without a hot chick,” he says.

Cook’s newest album, “Harmful If Swallowed,” has sold more than 150,000 copies.

His upcoming album, “Retaliation,” is going to be released to commemorate “Harmful’s” two-year anniversary July 22. He says the two-year delay will be worth the wait, as he wanted to add something special to it.

“Fans of the first one are going to be doubly excited about this one,” Cook says.

He says that with his success, people have been taking notice. This includes a bevy of celebrities who frequently attend his shows, like Justin Timberlake, Cameron Diaz and Vince Vaughn. “Saturday Night Live” producer Lorne Michaels asked Cook to come to New York City and perform his routine, Cook says, and has been considering him as a potential cast member.

“If I was asked to do that show, in a way, I would almost be risking stepping back,” Cook says. “I would like to know I’m going to be coming on as someone who can really contribute.”

He says part of his reluctance may be that he is already occupied with his own pet project. Cook is working with Sony on a pilot for a sitcom. Appropriately titled “Cooked,” he says he hopes to have it as edgy and in-your-face as his performances.

Cook says his comedy comes from embellishing the mundane.

“Who doesn’t want to have a monkey?” he says. “I personally want a monkey who fights me and destroys my house — and throws ninja stars.”

Cook also has his own hand gesture. Called the “Super Finger,” or “Su-Fi” for short, Cook has reinvented “the finger” and made it his calling card.

“I did the two fingers instead of the one on stage one night. We need to upgrade ways to tell people to ‘F off,'” Cook says. “The finger’s old, and no one respects it any more. [The “Super Finger” is] more prominent — this tells people you’re up to date on your ‘F off.'”

Along the way, Cook says he has come across a number of more-than-enthusiastic fans, describing a recent fan interaction on a previous “Tourgasm” date.

“I do this one bit where I talk about leaving behind your legacy — the main gist of the joke is that you will never forget me,” Cook says.

“After the show a kid comes up to me and goes ‘Hey Dane,’ and he had an aluminum ball he ripped from six feet away to hit me directly in the eye.”

Luckily, no harm was done, but Cook finds himself still having flashbacks.

After “Tourgasm” has climaxed, Cook says he has a movie career to look forward to. “Waiting…,” a movie in which he appears, starring Ryan Reynolds and Anna Faris, is expected to be released later this year.

As for involvement in future movies?

“I’m thinking about getting into porn, dude,” Cook says.

What: “Tourgasm” with Dane Cook

Where: Stephens Auditorium

When: Saturday, 9 p.m.

Cost: $15 students, $27.50 public