IRHA to vote on ‘sweet’ reward for residence leaders

Ina Kadic

The Inter-Residence Hall Association is expected to vote Thursday on partially funding an ice cream social for residence hall student leaders.

The bill, titled “Recognition Day,” is asking for approximately $240 from IRHA for the All Hall Award Ceremony that will recognize student leaders in the residence hall system, said IRHA President Nate Taucher.

IRHA is being asked to provide only one-sixth of the total estimated cost; the other five-sixths could come from other organizations, like the Towers Residence Association and the Richardson Court Association, said Ross Kelderman, Union Drive Association president.

“The bill has had some problems,” Kelderman said.

Both Taucher and Kelderman said the bill has been proposed to other organizations and it did not pass.

“The money wasn’t going to be used for all residence-hall students, only the student leaders” Taucher said. “The price of the ice cream buffet was too much. They were asking for $1,200 to serve ice cream to 300 people. The estimate was $4 for one person — those are some reasons why UDA did not like the bill.”

According to the budget of the parliament bill, The Order of Rose and Chessman, an organization that recognizes and promotes leadership, and the Residence Hall Leadership Organization have approved the bill. IRHA, RCA, UDA and TRA have not yet approved funding the event. Organizers of the ice cream event are asking each organization to provide $243.87.

The bill is the only thing scheduled for this week’s meeting, aside from comments from Taucher, new IRHA president.

“[The school year is] winding down, so there is not much going on the agenda,” said Phil De Koster, IRHA vice president.

IRHA is scheduled to meet at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Gallery Room of the Memorial Union.