LETTER: Kinsey’s gay lifestyle proves bias of study

You may have seen some campus bulletin boards covered with yellow sheets of paper. These papers claim that about 10 percent of the population is homosexual. That claim is bogus. The people who put those signs up are lying to you.

Before I explain myself, I would like to make one thing clear: I’m not bashing gays or the LGBTAA. I only want to point out that this statistic is simply not true.

Check up on the facts I’m about to give you and decide for yourself.

Alfred Kinsey is the man who they say made this claim — but he did not.

In his book, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male,” he actually said this: “10 percent of the males are more or less exclusively homosexual for at least three years between the ages of 16 and 55, but that only 4 percent were exclusively homosexual throughout their lives, after the onset of adolescence.”

So he actually said only 4 percent of males were gay for their lifetime.

It is also important to note that Alfred Kinsey himself engaged in the gay lifestyle. He was not an impartial observer.

Who did Kinsey include in his study? He included a high percentage of prison inmates and known sex offenders in his population. Inmates and sex offenders are hardly a good example of the general population.

Just recently, a study called the “National Health and Social Life Survey” found that 2.8 percent of the men and 1.4 percent of the women said they thought of themselves as homosexual or bisexual. This is dramatically lower than the claimed 10 percent.

Please look at the actual research for yourself.

And to the group that organized this campaign: If you’re going to make claims, make accurate ones. A lack of integrity does not help your cause.

Daniel D. Jones


Mechanical Engineering