Friday: ‘Keepers of the Carpet’ will rock Ames library

Maria Schwamman

Ask Jordan Mayland, lead singer, guitarist, pianist and songwriter for Keepers of the Carpet, where one of his favorite shows he”s ever played has been, and he”ll tell you — at the Ames Public Library.

Mayland says he enjoyed playing at the library a few years ago because of a large turnout and an atmosphere with ‘no negative energy.’

‘It was a nice, clean environment,’ he says. ‘Usually we play in smoky bars.’

Mayland says playing at the library, traditionally a quiet place for doing homework and studying, is a liberating experience.

‘You kind of hold everything in, and I think it will be a good opportunity to yell and to let everything out, especially in an environment where you don”t usually,’ he says.

Fittingly, the members of Keepers of the Carpet have been doing their fair share of studying the past year.

Mayland, 24, along with the band”s guitarist, Rano LoVan, 22, are both college seniors. Mayland is majoring in music at Central College in Pella, and LoVan will be graduating in May with a degree in graphic design from Morningside College in Sioux City.

Mayland says the band members had planned on taking a break from shows the last couple of months to focus on school, but they ended up scheduling several shows anyway. Despite balancing work and class, he says doing shows on the weekend has been worth the time and traveling.

‘It”s one thing that keeps me sane,’ he says.

LoVan says the distance separating him from the other members has forced them to take advantage of the limited time they have together before shows.

‘We try to use the time that I”m there to get some practicing done,’ he says.

Keepers of the Carpet originated in Buffalo Center but disbanded in 2002. Mayland pursued other projects, but reorganized the band a little over a year ago with LoVan and former member, drummer Jason Holland.

LoVan says he used to play Keepers of the Carpet covers with his old band, My Sister Ann. Mayland came to one of their shows and eventually asked him to join his band.

‘I”ve grown into it well,’ LoVan says. ‘I just feel like part of the band and it”s cool.’

The band performed under the name of Fin Sullivan for a short time, but Mayland says, regrettably, it was hard to stay away from the original name.

‘I dislike the name Keepers of the Carpet,’ Mayland says. ‘I don”t want to be known as someone with a dirty mouth or mind.’

Mayland says he”s been experimenting with new sounds and techniques in his songwriting and hopes to incorporate keyboard and electric sounds into the band”s material, in addition to remaking some original songs.

Bassist Dan Shea, senior in art and design, has been filling in temporarily, and the band is looking for a permanent replacement.

Mayland says he hopes to have a permanent fourth member soon because he doesn”t want to keep teaching the bass lines to people who are filling in.

‘I”m ready to have a full lineup,’ Mayland says. ‘I”m ready to do new material.’

Who: Keepers of the Carpet with Iron Fist of Justice

Where: Ames Public Library, 515 Douglas Ave.

When: 8 p.m. Friday

Cost: Free