LETTER: America ignorant of Middle East issues

On a beautiful, sunny Wednesday afternoon, I was sitting with a friend at a cafe discussing current issues when the topic turned to American and foreign views of the Middle East.

We both strongly believed that the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks constituted a wake-up call — a warning that America’s ignorance of the world had become a national liability. But my question is, has the general American view on Middle Eastern people and Islam changed? Have “we” learned anything? With our current foreign policy, it doesn’t seem so.

Having read publications and discussed the issues with Americans, it seems to me that the gap separating Americans from the rest of the world, which became particularly evident on the day of the attacks, has not narrowed since. I find that Americans are largely ignorant about the Middle East and suffer from a pervasive lack of knowledge about the world at large.

The United States seems to think it is the best in everything and imposes its views on other countries. America truly doesn’t have many friends among other nations. It is very alarming, and the distant future seems very dark in my perspective.

As strong as our country and economy are, we cannot remain prosperous and secure if we do not understand the words and actions of our international neighbors.

Points that an average American should understand:

  • Islam does not equal terrorism
  • An Arab person is not more statistically likely to promote terrorism
  • Most Arab countries’ citizens feel they are looked down upon by Americans.
  • Arab countries are frustrated with the constant U.S. support of Israel.

In my opinion, the United States must know that the Arab people used to view America as a country of great opportunities and ideas, but such views have changed over the past years as a result of America’s total identification with Israel in its unjustified wars of aggression.

When people get killed there every day, how can one not be angry with United States?

Anita Szemplinska

