Proposed bylaw change could wait until the fall

Jared Taylor

Changes to the pre-professional bylaws could still make another appearance before the last Government of the Student Body meeting of the year, although they will most likely be held for the fall semester.

Tony Borich, newly-appointed ex-officio student member of the Ames City Council, said the bylaws change was not on Wednesday’s agenda, and it is unlikely changes to the bylaws will be introduced at any of the remaining senate meetings.

“We only have two meetings left, so I’d expect something to be introduced this fall,” Borich said.

The last GSB senate meeting in the spring semester is April 27.

Jason Stanek, Graduate College senator, said he would like to see the proposed changes reintroduced, but legislation should not be rushed.

“There is some amount of time new senators should take before they vote on anything,” Stanek said.

Stanek said he thinks senators are upset about the veto and he expects legislation by fall session.

Kyle Perkins, College of Business senator, said he agreed that introducing the bylaws change to the senate now could be beneficial, although he said he believes delaying legislation until the fall would allow the new senate to learn more about the bill and master senate procedures.

Borich said there is no emergency that would necessitate a change to the bylaws outlining student group funding by the end of the spring semester.

Borich said the senate now has the chance to improve the proposed change vetoed by former GSB President Sophia Magill.

Ethan Newlin, GSB Campustown senator, said he did not know whether the bill would be introduced during the remaining spring meetings, as he has no previous GSB experience and is learning senatorial procedure.