Groh redefines, adds more GSB cabinet positions

Jared Taylor

As the new Government of the Student Body cabinet takes shape, questions remain about its efficiency and the necessity of certain posts.

GSB President Angela Groh said she has worked to redefine the job descriptions of each position on the cabinet to increase productivity. Although Groh has added new cabinet positions, she said her administration has eliminated the director of student voting, director of activism, and several deputy positions to help boost efficiency.

She said the addition of the deputy director of academic affairs position was meant to focus solely on graduate students. The position is intended to increase communication between GSB and the Graduate and Professional Student Senate, Groh said. She said the position would also work to create a graduate student mentoring program to help new graduate students with the transition to graduate school.

“There is too much work for only the director to deal with,” Groh said.

Henry Alliger, former speaker of the senate, said he likes people getting involved with GSB, but he does not like the addition of unnecessary positions.

“The cabinet was out of hand under Magill’s administration, and [Groh] is well on her way to it,” he said.

Alliger said deputy members decrease the overall efficiency of the cabinet.

“There are people who are too busy to do the job taking the job — then they have people working under them,” he said.

Will Rock, former GSB vice president, said cabinet members are worthwhile as long as they remain active in their work.

“As long as you give the position specific things to do, there is nothing wrong with it,” Rock said.

He said the director of public relations has faced an increased workload since GSB has increased media coverage from working with university administrators and city officials on the future of Veishea.

“It has been a tough role in the past,” he said.

Groh said the director of public relations would handle several projects in the coming year, including the creation of a new GSB presentation delivered to student groups and classes, the promotion of the Pick-A-Prof Web site when it is launched in the fall and a “City of Ames 101” course to help students learn more about Ames’ history.

“I think it is essential to have a director of public relations so we can bridge the gap of communication,” she said.

Groh said the director of logistics is not a new position — it is merely a title change from the director of facilities, safety and transportation.

“We just thought it was a way to clarify the title,” she said.

Rock said the director of logistics serves on the CyRide Board of Directors and has worked with the Department of Public Safety in the past. Stephanie Stall will return to the cabinet and serve as director of logistics, he said.

Alliger said positions like the director of student projects do not need to exist. Rather, he said, he would prefer to see the work of extra cabinet members spread to the GSB senators.