Iowa State Daily Information




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General Information

The Daily is an independent newspaper established in 1890 and is written and edited entirely by students.

The Daily is published Monday through Friday during the nine-month academic year except for university holidays, scheduled breaks and the final exam weeks. During the summer session, the Daily is published as a semiweekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays except during finals week.

Editorial opinions expressed are set by the Iowa State Daily Editorial Board.

The Daily is published by the Iowa State Daily Publication Board, Room 108 Hamilton Hall, Ames, Iowa, 50011.

The Publication Board meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month during the academic year in the Memorial Union at 5 p.m.

Iowa State Daily Publication Board Members:

Chairperson: Amy Van Beek, College of Family and Consumer Sciences; Vice Chairperson: Joel Oswald, College of Veterinary Medicine/Graduate School; Corporate Secretary: Becky Schaefer, At-Large; Jessica Kluver, College of Agriculture; Julie Straub, College of Business; Sarah Fackrell, College of Design; vacant, College of Education; vacant, College of Engineering; Monica Stich, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Valerie Anderson, At-Large; Paul Larson, Faculty; Barbara Mack, Faculty; Lawrence Cunningham, Professional Staff.

ISU students subscribe to the Iowa State Daily through activity fees paid to the Government of the Student Body. Paid subscriptions are 40 cents per copy; $40 annually for mailed subscriptions to ISU students, faculty and staff; and $62 annually for subscriptions mailed in-country or out of the country to the general public.

Letters Policy

The Daily encourages letters, but does not guarantee publication. We reserve the right to edit or reject any letter. Send letters to: [email protected] or 108 Hamilton Hall. E-mail letters are preferred. Letters should be about 300 words or less and must include names, addresses, phone numbers, major and/or group affiliation and year in school of the author or authors.

Postmaster: (USPS 796-870)

Send address changes to:

Iowa State Daily

Room 108 Hamilton Hall

Ames, Iowa 50011