Distinguished and university professors named

Erin Mccuskey

Six ISU professors have been awarded the title of distinguished professor or university professor.

The distinguished professor title recognizes faculty for their performance in at least two of the following areas: teaching and advising; research, scholarship or artistic creativity; and extension, university service or professional practice. Recipients receive a $3,000 increase in salary.

The university professor title is awarded to faculty who have made an impact within their department. Recipients receive a $2,500 increase in salary.

  • Costas Soukoulis received the title of distinguished professor in liberal arts and sciences. Soukoulis is a professor of physics and astronomy and is a senior physicist for the Ames Laboratory. His research is in four fields of theoretical condensed matter physics, including working on photonic crystals. He has been at Iowa State since 1984.
  • William David received the title of university professor. David is a professor of music and he is the founding member of the Ames Piano Quartet. He is chairman of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee. He came to Iowa State in 1972.
  • Craig Anderson received the title of distinguished professor in liberal arts and sciences. Anderson is the chairman of the psychology department. He joined Iowa State in 1999. His research includes examining the effects of exposure to violent video games and media violence on human aggression.
  • Ann Thompson received the title of university professor. Thompson is a professor of curriculum and instruction and is the interim associate dean of the Center for Technology Learning and Teaching, which she helped to develop. She came to Iowa State in 1980. Her research is in the area of curriculum and instructional technology, technology collaboratives between teacher education and K-12 schools, and assessing effects of technology experiences on student learning.
  • Stephen Vardeman received the title of university professor. Vardeman is a professor of statistics and industrial engineering who has been at Iowa State since 1981. By using statistics to solve problems, he has improved Iowa products and the services provided by state government and federal agencies.
  • Mark Power received the title of university professor. Power, professor of finance, came to Iowa State in 1983. He researches in the areas of risk management, insurance and corporate finance, and is the Principal Financial Group Faculty Fellow. Power has had a major role in developing benefits policies for ISU employees. His work has generated significant savings to the university and to the participants in Iowa State health plans.

The new distinguished and university professors will be honored during Iowa State’s fall convocation in September.