Inauguration signals change in GSB seats; Groh replaces Magill

Dan Slatterly

Monday marks the end of terms for Government of the Student Body members and the beginning for newly elected GSB members.

Outgoing GSB President Sophia Magill will relinquish her position as Angela Groh takes over presidential responsibilities.

The senate positions will also be turned over to the incoming senators during the ceremony.

The GSB inauguration and recognition ceremony is planned for 7 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union and is open to the public.

“We are here to serve the students and we want to share it,” Magill said.

She said the event has been closed to the general public in past years.

Opening to the public has allowed anyone interested to attend and speak to former and recently elected senators.

Groh said she is happy the public will be present at the celebration.

“The goal of inauguration is to lay out the broad vision of GSB,” she said.

Louis Kishkunas, chief of staff for Magill, said inauguration is usually just open to GSB members.

“This is a continuation of opening up the GSB process,” Kishkunas said.

This is a process the current administration has worked hard to do all year, he said.

“Rather than students reaching out to GSB, GSB is reaching out to students,” he said.

He said inauguration would be a great opportunity for senators to meet their constituents and talk about issues that students have been facing or could possibly be facing in the future.

Magill said this is a celebration of the work the entire GSB has done in the past year.

The Finance Committee, the senate, the Election Commission and the Supreme Court of GSB will be among other areas of GSB recognized, she said.

A GSB recognition ceremony will take place before the doors are opened to the public.

Matthew Whitaker, U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Iowa, is scheduled to speak at 7 p.m.

He will speak about leadership and the importance of service.

Following his speech, Magill and William Rock, GSB vice president, intend to give their farewell addresses. Groh and Chris Deal, GSB vice president-elect, will then give their acceptance speeches.

The new senate will then be recognized and introduced.

“This will promote communication between new and old members of GSB,” Groh said.

“I encourage all students to attend the inauguration and participate.”

The newly elected GSB officials and senators have their first GSB meeting Wednesday.