Anti-abortion group’s graphic photos cause stir

Katie Piepel

Protesters handing out anti-abortion pamphlets on campus caused a series of complaints to local police Wednesday.

Director of Public Safety Jerry Stewart said ISU Police received 12 phone calls within one hour on Wednesday afternoon from people objecting to graphic images displayed on posters and handouts from a group of people objecting to abortion.

Abby LaCombe, senior in political science, was approached by the group and said she was upset by its protest.

“[I told them] every time you come to our campus it just creates a deeper schism,” she said. “There’s better ways to go about speaking your message.”

Sarah Foster, senior in mechanical engineering, said abortion was not the only subject the group was protesting.

“This [was] anti-choice, anti-women, anti-everything,” she said.

The pamphlets, from the Milwaukee-based group Missionaries to the Preborn, included information on abortion, birth control, breast cancer, opposition to Planned Parenthood and contained photos of aborted fetuses.

Daniel Rajewski, senior in meteorology and president of ISU Students for Life, said his organization was not associated with the group on campus. He said the pamphlets were very graphic but were also necessary to make people realize the seriousness of abortion.

“Personally, I don’t feel offended by these images because I realize that’s the truth of the human being destroyed there,” he said.

Stewart said plainclothes and uniformed officers spoke with the group after hearing complaints.

“There was no evidence of people being detained against their will or being unduly accosted or harassed,” he said.

“While the images that appeared may be objectionable to a number of people, they appear to be legal.”