IFC amendment may alter Greek Week posts

Kari Hoefer

Fraternity members will discuss a proposed amendment to the Interfraternity Council bylaws during its last regular meeting Thursday.

The amendment would make both the Greek Week co-chairperson positions elected by the Interfraternity Council and Collegiate Panhellenic Council. The two positions are appointed by the previous year’s co-chairpersons. The amendment also states that the students running for the position must have either served as Greek Week co-chairpersons for their chapter or served on the Greek Week Central Committee.

Nate Hertel, member of FarmHouse fraternity and senior in political science, proposed the change at last week’s IFC meeting because he said the amendment would make the Greek Week Central Committee more accountable to fraternities and sororities.

“We give money each year with no say over policies,” Hertel said.

He said if a co-chairperson was also a member of the Interfraternity Council, it would help to increase communication.

Daryl Theis, Greek Week 2005 general co-chairman, said Greek Week is supposed to be a separate student organization from both councils. He said many members are against the bylaw change.

Theis said he believes elections would create a scenario of choosing between who is popular and who is qualified for the position. He said Greek Week Central Committee members are chosen based on experience and past performance. He said his major concern is that members who were co-chairpersons for their chapters do not have experience in dealing with facilities and Special Olympics.

Theis said many people involved with Greek Week, including the Central Committee and its adviser, are against the change, and said he thought it came at a bad time.

“I do feel the change has been brought on in a hastened period, because of the fact that there are some unhappy participants,” he said. “I would wait until next fall when all three councils are informed on the issues.”

No one from the Collegiate Panhellanic Council could be reached for comment.

Hertel said the amendment has been in the works for a year now and was originally brought about by last year’s IFC and CPC presidents.

Leigh Thiedeman, 2004 CPC president, said she and former IFC President Shawn Eagleburger originally proposed this to the associate dean of greek affairs and the 2004 Greek Week general co-chairpersons after attending a conference.

“We found out from other universities that Greek Week was actually a part of the Collegiate Panhellenic Council and the Interfraternity Council,” she said.

Thiedeman said the general co-chairperson positions were initially supposed to be appointed by the IFC and CPC presidents, and said she believed if they sat on the councils it would be easier to ask questions because they would all be at the same meeting.

Robert Baptiste, vice president of public relations for IFC, said Hertel will have to move the proposed amendment from the table in order for it to be discussed.

“If someone wants to make a bylaw change, it has to be voted on by two-thirds of the eligible voting body,” Baptiste said.