Residence Hall week activities to kick off

Andrew Killinger

Planning for Residence Hall Week has finished just days before the event was scheduled to begin.

Res Hall Week — a weeklong celebration of residence hall living — is planned to begin Saturday with the Union Drive Association’s Springfest and end with the Freeman Spring Concert.

Res Hall Week was scheduled this year in April because Jared Wilson, Inter-Residence Hall Association director of special events, said he thought the better weather would help to draw more people to the outdoor events. It was also moved, in part, because of the cancellation of Veishea.

Concern for the event planning was presented in recent IRHA meetings. The final planning for the event was addressed at Thursday’s meeting.

UDA President Ross Kelderman said similar event planning would normally begin months in advance, and routine communication with the parliament and the director of special events would be key to making events successful.

“This year that really hasn’t been the case,” he said.

“It sounds like more of a lack of communication than a problem to organize.”

Kelderman said he thought the members of parliament were concerned with the lack of communication, which prompted numerous questions.

Wilson, who has organized the events, said he feels optimistic about the way the different events are coming together.

“There’s a wide variety of residents in the residence halls,” Wilson said. “Our goal is to find something for everyone to do.”

Drew Larson, former IRHA president, said two of the biggest events were organized by the UDA and the Richardson Court Association, although in the past almost everything has been organized by IRHA.

“The associations have really stepped up to the plate,” Larson said.

“The residence halls and the associations are really taking the initiative.”

Freeman Hall, in conjunction with RCA, has been key in organizing the Freeman Spring Concert. Organizers from Freeman Hall said there will be six bands performing in the concert. Half of the bands performing are national touring groups, and Motion City Soundtrack is scheduled to headline, RCA President Brandon Gray said.

“They’ve been working all year booking bands, and we’ve given a good deal of money,” Gray said. “The Freeman Spring Concert should be an event that is a little different from the kinds we get around here.”

In addition to the concert, there will be other events throughout the week including a picnic on Sunday, a hypnotist Tuesday, a sand volleyball tournament Wednesday, a Texas Hold ‘Em tournament Thursday and The Price is Right on Friday.

“We’re trying a few things different this year, and this is kind of a way to end the year and say, ‘Thanks for staying with us,'” Wilson said.

“I think the events should turn out well. We’ve got free food.”