LETTER: Obstructionist dems misuse filibuster

The Daily’s editorial, “Going ‘nuclear’ not the conservative thing to do,” April 19 was, quite frankly, misleading and wrong. The so-called “nuclear option” is not some evil plan of Republicans to push through some extreme radical judges to the courts.

The filibuster is not going to be eliminated by the Senate rules change. As it is practiced, confirmation requires a super majority, because of the Democratic filibuster.

The Constitution provides votes that require a majority, and confirmation is not one of them. Filibuster in these cases is highly eccentric and can easily be seen as obstructionism.

Changes in Senate rules happen all the time and this rule change is not going to eliminate this tool of the minority. All the Republican leadership wants is a vote on the nominations. All Americans should condemn the actions of the Democrats for obstructing Congressional duties. This rules change will make sure the minority does not have undue influence.

Congress is supposed to reflect the will of the people, and currently has a Republican majority. In a democracy, the will of the majority must carry the day, as long as the rights of the minority to regain power at a later time are not usurped.

It is also reassuring to see that the Daily continues its reading of left-wing sources like the American Progress Action Fund, where it obviously got its material for the editorial.

Americans, allow Congress to vote on nominees, it is its duty and job.

Victor Amoroso

Graduate Student
