UDA, RCA dissolutions lead IRHA to consider side effects

Andrew Killinger

The repercussions from the planned dissolutions of Richardson Court Association and Union Drive Association was a point of discussion at Thursday’s Inter-Residence Hall Association meeting.

Ryan Doll, Towers Residence Association senator for the Government of the Student Body, presented concerns on how the removal of the association-level governments would affect GSB.

“I just wanted to come by to express my dissatisfaction with disbanding,” Doll said.

“I think this is a really bad idea. It’s causing us a lot of headaches in GSB.”

Doll said he believed IRHA might not have considered GSB appropriately when the decision to remove RCA and UDA was made by the parliament.

“The reasons for disbanding the associations came from reasons much greater than the GSB concerns,” RCA President Brandon Gray said. “I think we thought it through very well. It’s going to be a pain, but I think we can get through it.”

If GSB decided to make the entirety of IRHA a constituency council, instead of the current division by associations, Doll said he thought it could pose a problem if the representatives to GSB were elected from one area of the residence halls.

The parliament also approved the budget for the 2005-06 academic year.

Parliament unanimously approved the budget for next year within 15 minutes. This was in contrast to the last meeting, which lasted more than six hours.

Thursday’s meeting was the final meeting for the 2004-05 parliament. A new parliament will be seated at the next meeting.