New IRHA parliament to be seated

Andrew Killinger

The Inter-Residence Hall Association will seat its new members at Thursday’s meeting, prompting a mix of concern and optimism from current members.

The IRHA parliament faces high turnover for next year, as a majority of the members were replaced in elections.

“We only have two returners to the parliament,” said IRHA election commissioner Ross Kelderman.

The only members of IRHA who will be returning are Nate Taucher and Phil De Koster, new IRHA president and vice president, respectively.

This inexperience could prove rocky for IRHA, as the new parliament will have to adjust to a new structure, Kelderman said. De Koster said this has caused some concern, as many of the members are confused as to how the switch will occur.

He said there are no bills before IRHA to address how it will go about implementing its decision to dissolve association level governments in the residence halls.

This will cause certain positions to not be replaced, such as the presidents of the Richardson Court Association and the Union Drive Association.

Although De Koster and other IRHA members are apprehensive as to how the parliament will adjust to the change, former IRHA President Drew Larson said he is confident the incoming parliament will be successful.

“Getting started is fairly difficult, but I think if the [executive cabinet] can get things moving over the summer, it’ll be a good year,” he said.

Another issue new members will have to tackle is the IRHA budget, which has been complicated by its reorganization. The parliament will vote on approving IRHA’s budget for next year at its Thursday night meeting.

At its last meeting, the group decided to table budget approval and sent it to a committee for review, as many members thought issues were drawing too much debate at the six-hour meeting.

“I think people took out most of their qualms last meeting,” said former IRHA Vice President Carl Carlson.

“There might be one or two more things, but I think people are mostly done with it,” he said.

A major point of discussion in past meetings has been the topic of dues, Larson said.

Residence hall students annually pay dues to three different bodies — their residence hall, their residence hall association and IRHA.

With the dissolution of the association bodies — RCA and UDA — due payments are now being re-evaluated.

The meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday in the Gallery Room in the Memorial Union.