LETTER: Activists’ tactics tasteless, ineffective

I am a firm advocate of free speech in all its forms, even when I strongly disagree with the message that is being sent. In light of that, I have to say I was appalled by the actions of an anti-abortion group on campus Wednesday.

When the nice old men come on campus to give away little green Bibles, I smile and say thanks. I have no intention of reading it, but they are full of good intent and their actions are harmless. The group on campus today was a different story.

On my way to class, I saw a couple with their little girl who was maybe five or six years old handing out fliers. The girl gave me one, and she was so cute I couldn’t resist. Imagine my horror when I read the title: “Planned Parenthood admits that abortion is the killing of a baby!” and opened it to find pictures of rotting, aborted fetuses. I lack the words to describe the inappropriateness of the situation.

If a group wants to hand out information stating its views on abortion, it has every right to do so. The use of such pictures does nothing to further its cause, however. It incites an emotional response, nothing more. Furthermore, I am disgusted by the use of children as a tactic. No child should be shown the images that were in every pamphlet that little girl handed out.

I don’t know if these people are Ames residents or if they will read this letter even if they are. On the off chance that it does happen, I wanted to leave them one message. I will never agree with their cause, but I would have a lot more respect for what they are doing if they used facts rather than inflammatory photographs to send their message and if they would let their children go to school for the day instead of dragging them into service for a cause they likely do not yet understand.

Carrie Jenkins

