LETTER: FAFSA question 31 is discriminatory

There is no reason for the federal government to ask students about previous drug convictions in order to receive financial aid. Question 31 on FAFSA applications targets minor marijuana offenders, as they make up the bulk of illegal substance convictions.

The federal government does not inquire about minor in possession convictions or other misdemeanors, so why is marijuana clearly targeted? Although the question seems to intend to keep criminals out of classrooms and to spend less tax dollars, there are no questions regarding any other criminal offense. Violent crimes are not addressed — only drug convictions.

ISU-NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) is a student- run organization that is fighting against these unreasonable and unjust drug policies.

We not only want the federal government to erase this question, but we also want Ames to be similar to university towns like Ann Arbor, Mich., and Columbia, Mo. In these cities, the possession of small quantities of marijuana is treated as a city offense and not reported to the state or federal government.

This allows dozens of law-abiding, good students to continue their education each year.

Why is getting caught reason enough to take an education away from someone?

Mark Nieman


Political Science