New GSB senate to meet officially, prepare senators

Dan Slatterly

A new and fairly inexperienced Government of the Student Body is scheduled to meet officially for the first time since elections in March.

The new senate was sworn in Monday and meets for its first full session Wednesday.

This meeting will consist of appointing individuals to different positions and will give the new senators a chance for adjustment.

Chris Deal, GSB vice president, will preside over his first meeting. He said he was not apprehensive about the task.

“I have been to plenty of meetings,” he said. “We will all make a few mistakes, but we will get through.”

Of the 38 total senate seats on GSB, only 12 members remain from the previous senate. One off-campus senate seat has yet to be filled.

Deal said a new senator orientation on Sunday prepared 16 of the 25 senators who have never served a GSB senate term on what to expect during the meeting.

A Finance Committee presentation was given Sunday along with a presentation by former GSB Vice President William Rock, he said.

“I think a lot of good information was given out,” said Noah Wiese, Campustown senator.

The meeting on Sunday prepared new senators somewhat, but there is still going to be a learning curve, he said.

“After the first meeting or two, I think things will be fine,” Wiese said.

Drew Larson, College of Business senator, said the meeting on Sunday gave him a more in-depth look at GSB’s finance process. He said he served on the lectures committee a couple of years ago and had experience with requesting funds from GSB.

“Seeing it from a requester’s standpoint you don’t see the whole process,” Larson said.

Deal said not all of the new senators were coming in with no experience.

Phil Hernandez, University Student Apartment Community senator, said he served two terms for the student government of Central Michigan University. Randy Gebhardt, Frederiksen Court senator, was an at-large member of the Finance Committee last year.

Larson said he was president of the Inter-Residence Hall Association last semester, and that gives him a little knowledge of the workings of university government.

Kyle Perkins, College of Business senator, is returning from the last senate. He served as vice speaker of the senate.

He said incoming senators need to ask questions of those around them who have GSB experience.

He said he was not concerned with the learning curve of the new senate.

The meeting is also scheduled to feature a State of the Student Body address by GSB President Angela Groh.

“We will be articulating a lot of the plans we are going to be carrying out over the next year,” she said.

The inauguration speech Groh gave Monday was a general look at GSB plans for the next year, she said — Wednesday’s will go more specifically into the plans.

The logistics of this plan are still being worked out, but it will be an ambitious and innovative plan to communicate and work with the city of Ames, Groh said.

The GSB meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.