LETTER: Catholics excluded from event planning

Campus Christian student groups have organized a “concert and fellowship” event for April 22. “One” is the name of the get-together. The organizers want to get people on Central Campus to listen to music, eat pancakes cooked by our university president and rally young Christians

How cute.

We were approached by two cute college kids near Coover Hall Monday and invited to attend this Christian unifying event.

Being Catholic-Christians, we were interested to know if our Catholic peers were involved in the event. To our dismay, the Ken-and-Barbie-doll Christians said, “Well, everyone is invited.”

Catholics were the only Christians who were not included in the planning of this event. Are Catholics just not Christian enough to these people? Are Catholics not a part of the faith to these radical fundamentalists? These people left the faith started by Peter and now they are trying to cut Catholics out of the soul-saving action?

Now really, Iowa State, how can the largest and oldest Christian groups on Earth — Catholics, the only faith that can be traced back directly to Jesus — not be included in a Christian rally?

We are deeply bothered by the obvious, intentional lack of communication with this group and our St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church student group (which is highly active and has a strong base of believers).

We encourage everyone to attend this rally, but next time please let us try for Christian unity and brotherhood on the path to salvation. All are welcome at St. Thomas — Christians, non-Christians and even those Christians who presently exclude us.

Luke Gran



Ellen Walsh


Agriculture Studies