LETTER: Lazy students don’t deserve respect

In general, ISU students are amazingly apathetic and lazy. The affluence of inaction on this campus only furthers the infantile pattern of behavior exhibited by the majority of students in this city. Our campus is a puddle of indifference.

Most recently, my claim can be supported by the lack of student participation in the special election Tuesday. You were all blessed with a group of individuals who chose to do your work for you … again. They tried to get you off your butt, and more than 20,000 of you just chose to sit there and twiddle your thumbs. Students have become so jaded by cheap mixed drinks, video games and fashionable clothing that they’ve lost the desire to empower themselves — they’ve become indifferent.

Please, take the time to consider why many long-term residents have a negative perception of students. Every weekend, we trash their neighborhoods in loud, drunken stupors while they try to sleep. We don’t invest any energy into the well-being of the city. We don’t respect the history of the Ames community. Most importantly, we don’t stand up for ourselves, and it’s now reached the point where that is typical.

Honestly, how can you expect to be respected if you’re disrespectful? How can you expect to change anything if you remain apathetic? How can you complain if you’re the source of your discontent? The student body needs to wake up from its slumber.

Dan Sherman


Liberal Arts and Sciences-Open Option