LETTER: Don’t allow Senate to go ‘nuclear’

A movement is afoot in Washington to change some of the rules that have been in place for more than 200 years.

The rules currently allow filibustering of federal judicial nominations, which in turn means that 60 senators’ votes are required to break the filibuster and proceed to confirm the nominee.

This super-majority means that judges have broad support, ensuring that the most ideologically extreme will not be confirmed. Federal judges have lifetime appointments and may go on to the Supreme Court, so it is essential that only the best nominees are confirmed.

Senate Republicans are attempting to change the rules to eliminate the ability to filibuster, a move generally called the “nuclear option.” This is not a minor change. The filibuster is one of the few procedures that prevent a simple majority of senators to control all votes. It is an important check on the power of the majority party that has lasted hundreds of years, through many political changes.

Call, e-mail or write Sens. Grassley and Harkin and urge them to oppose the elimination of the filibuster.

Jo Etzel

Graduate Student

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Heidi Reyes

