Hockey club being sued in GSB court over dispute about wages

Dan Slatterly

The ISU Men’s Ice Hockey Club is being sued for failure to properly compensate for a contract.

The plaintiff, Jessica O’Brien, junior in graphic design, was formerly an office assistant for the hockey club and is seeking $2,000 in unpaid wages.

The Government of the Student Body Supreme Court is scheduled to hear the case at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the South Ballroom of the Memorial Union.

Scott Hagen, ISU Men’s Hockey Club president, said O’Brien forged hours on her time sheet and did not actually do any work for the hockey club except for a pamphlet she did not finish.

He said she claimed to be working 60 hours a week, which in his opinion was a ridiculous amount of hours for any college student to work.

She is being represented by Louis Kishkunas, junior in political science.

He said neither he nor his client would comment on the case until after it is heard.

Jon Sievers, GSB Supreme Court chief justice, said he would rather leave the plaintiff and defendant to comment on the specifics of the case.

He said cases heard by the court fall into two different categories — original action, which goes to trial, and appellate action, which goes to oral argument. He said this particular case is an original action case.

“The trial has not yet been determined whether it is open or closed,” Sievers said.

Sievers said the court has not had a case go to trial or oral argument for several years.

The court is made up of a chief justice, eight associate justices and a clerk of court.