M-Shop’s food service may close regardless of public input

Alison Sickelka

Lunch may stop being served at the Maintenance Shop sometime this semester — unless students are able to find a solution to the financial debt plaguing ISU Dining Service.

Thomas Hill, vice president for student affairs, said he expects the M-Shop’s lunch services in the Memorial Union to close sometime this semester.

He said it is a business, and if it is losing money something needs to be done.

A student forum is being planned to allow students a chance to share their views, but it is unlikely it will have any effect on whether the lunch services stay or go, Hill said.

No date has been set for the student forum, however.

Todd Holcomb, associate vice president for student affairs, said the forum should help squash rumors and let the administrators hear what students have to say.

“Maybe we are missing something,” Holcomb said.

He said he is hearing a lot of different opinions, including those who have said they would be willing to pay increased prices to help save the M-Shop.

“Some students are saying, ‘Go ahead and up the prices to pay for it,”‘ he said.

This could be counterproductive, however, as some students say the reason they like the M-Shop is because it offers “good food at a low price.”

Yet, if students truly want to save the M-Shop, Hill said they need to start eating there. He said the numbers show it is too expensive to keep the M-Shop’s lunch services open.

“We are not closing the M-Shop,” Hill said.

He said they are just ending the M-Shop’s lunch services and that the space will likely be available for students studying during the day and The M-Shop is still expected to hold shows in the evenings.