Decision: Gebhardt

Eric Lund

Almost three weeks after the Government of the Student Body election results were announced, the Frederiksen Court senator has been chosen.

Randy Gebhardt, senior in electrical engineering, was chosen as senator Tuesday night by a three-person panel made up of Frederiksen Court Community Council President Derek Light and two community advisers. Gebhardt’s opponent, Travis Hilscher, sophomore in pre-architecture, said he will not contest the decision.

Hilscher previously said he would contest the results if Gebhardt won because Light and Gebhardt served together this year on the FCCC, which created a potential conflict of interest.

He also said the results could have been unfair because the panel meeting in which both candidates were interviewed and a winner was chosen was not open to the public.

“They had to have a winner [Wednesday] by noon; contesting it would be worthless,” Hilscher said.

According to the GSB election bylaws, winners must be chosen by noon on March 30. Elections where no candidate receives a majority vote are sent to the constituency council. Because Gebhardt serves on the council for Frederiksen Court, a different panel was created to avoid a potential conflict of interest.

The first objection to the panel meeting being closed came at the FCCC meeting Monday, at which point there was not enough time to open the meeting and inform Frederiksen Court residents they could attend, Gebhardt said.

“The way things went down with the mix-up on the ballot created a very un-ideal situation,” he said.

“We followed the same process other constituency councils do in the same situation or if a representative resigns.”

The race was originally contested after Gebhardt’s biography was not put on the election Web site before voting began March 7. All votes were not counted as a result, and the decision was deemed a tie.