LETTER: UNI student regent supports Groh/Deal
March 3, 2005
I am writing to give my support to all candidates running for the president and vice president positions of the Government of the Student Body. It takes a lot of guts, time and energy to run for such a position, so in advance I’d like to say, “Congratulations!”
I have worked with a few of the candidates and want ISU students to be aware of one such outstanding candidate — Angela Groh.
I am a member of the Board of Regents, so I work a lot with student leaders. Groh and her running mate, Chris Deal, take this position seriously and understand the time, energy and responsibility it takes to be president and vice president of GSB. These two, as well as other candidates, have lots of student government experience
It is up to the students of Iowa State to make the best decision for its Government of the Student Body.
Jenny Rokes
Student Regent
Board of Regents