Veishea will continue in 2006

Eric Lund

Updated at 12:01 p.m. CST March 23

ISU President Gregory Geoffroy announced Wednesday morning that Veishea will continue in 2006.

At a press conference, he said the event will continue with some modification, including a review of the dry Veishea ban on alcohol.

“I have carefully considered the reports, recommendations and other input I have received concerning Veishea from many quarters,” Geoffroy said. “I especially want to support and promote the ‘one community’ theme.”

Veishea, an annual celebration of the university, was suspended for 2005 after a riot in Campustown on April 18, 2004 caused more than $100,000 in damage.

Geoffroy said the Welch Avenue area is a flash point for incidents like riots, and some activities that have occurred there in the past will be moved on campus or canceled.

“We will create more alternative entertainment events and recreational activities for student engagement,” Geoffroy said.

He said Veishea will remain a student-focused event, but with increased involvement from the university and the community.

“We will consider conducting Veishea 2006 under the university’s normal alcohol policy,” Geoffroy said. “It is already a very restrictive policy.”

Government of the Student Body President Sophia Magill and Ames Mayor Ted Tedesco said they support Geoffroy’s decision.

“I wholly support Dr. Geoffroy’s decision on the future of Veishea,” Tedesco said.