Trends around the globe

All around the world, ISU students are tasting new foods, seeing new fashion and hearing new music.

In Paderno del Grappa, Italy, MaryJune Jackson says fashion is very important and everyone loves to dress up.

“You never see an Italian in a sweatshirt, jeans and sneakers with no makeup and hair in a ponytail,” she says.

Common foods Jackson has noticed include pasta, pastries and all kinds of meat, ranging from pork to rabbit and horse. Italian pizza, while also common, has a twist, Jackson says — unique toppings sometimes cover the thin crust with sparse sauce and cheese. Tuna, bacon and French fries are some of the choices.

In London, Nicole Laugesen says “wild” fashion is in. Many of the women have hairstyles that are two colors. If the hair is cut short, it is slanted diagonally from one side of the head to the other, she says.

The “boho” (Bohemian) look that has been made popular by celebrities like Sienna Miller and Scarlett Johannsen is big right now, Laugesen says. Cowboy boots, large ethnic necklaces with gems and rocks, scarves, winter boots that go up mid-calf, suede outwear and lots of layered jewelry create the look.

“Right now, more is definitely more,” she says. “Loads of bracelets, necklaces and charms are worn by anyone who is anyone.”

Some interesting foods Laugesen says she has stumbled upon while in grocery stores are “Healthy Living” meals, which are similar to “Healthy Choice,” Cadbury chocolate and Kit Kats. These Kit Kat bars, however, come in different flavors, like orange, and are colored orange, too, she says.

In Sweden, Andrea Siefers says skin-tight jeans that taper at the ends are very popular. They taper at the ends so women can fit mid-calf boots over them. Coats with fur on the hoods are also popular for both men and women, she says.

Listening to the music in Sweden, Siefers says Gnther is extremely popular right now, especially “The Ding Dong Song.” The Romanian band OZone and its song, “Dragostea din tei” (better known in the U.S. as “The Numa Numa Song”) is also heard quite frequently.