Veishea announcement linked to fate of LINC

Dan Slatterly

Whither LINC?

The question remains among student leaders as to the purpose and usefulness of the student organization Leaders INspiring Connections.

ISU President Gregory Geoffroy announced Wednesday that Veishea will continue next spring after having been suspended for this year. This has raised questions as to whether LINC will become defunct, since it was formed from Veishea Inc., which was disbanded with Geoffroy’s decision to suspend the spring celebration.

Henry Alliger, Government of the Student Body speaker of the senate, said LINC will probably not disband, however. He said it is an organization that has been working toward the “one community” concept that both Iowa State and the city of Ames are in support of.

At Wednesday night’s GSB meeting, during regular allocations discussions for student clubs and organizations, proposed funding for LINC was singled out among the rest of groups requesting funding and referred back to the finance committee with no instructions.

GSB senators said they should not approve funding for LINC until more information is known on its future. Alliger said the outcome of LINC will probably be decided by Monday.

Kyle Chesnut, LINC co-chairman, said the only thing he knows for sure is that Veishea will exist and some form of LINC will exist.

Chesnut, along with Ashley Glade, LINC co-chairwoman, were originally selected to be Veishea co-chairpersons for this year, before the celebration was suspended.

Glade said she and Chesnut formed LINC, as they saw the need for a funded organization to replace the Veishea council.

LINC was initially funded by GSB in November during special allocations, amid scrutiny about its purpose.

Glade, Chesnut and other members of LINC met with Geoffroy, GSB President Sophia Magill, Vice President William Rock, President-elect Angela Groh and Vice President-elect Chris Deal on Tuesday night before Geoffroy’s announcement to discuss the possible consequences of continuing, disbanding or altering Veishea.

Rock said Geoffroy did not give any indication during the meeting as to what his final decision would be, but presented the various Veishea scenarios he was considering. He said, however, the decision was not unexpected, stating Geoffroy’s decision to only suspend Veishea and not terminate it was a strong signal for its eventual return.

“The biggest surprise is it is coming back without as many changes as I thought it would be,” Rock said.